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Skillet, the Christian metal band from Nashville, has been putting out inspiring and powerful music for decades now. Since its inception in 1996, the band experimented with their sound at times, seemingly to find its place. Grunge, Alternative, Electronic, and of course Hard Rock were all styles Skillet dabbled in…
Making. Underground. Raw. Shit. This is exactly what Murs & 9th Wonder set out to do on their most recent collaborative effort, The Iliad Is Dead & The Odyssey Is Over. Over the past 15 years, these two haven’t disappointed on their collaborations, so I was super stoked when this…
As the undisputed leaders of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, the British legends Saxon have weathered the ebbs and flow of the heavy music scene for decades. During this time there have been musical trends and fads that have come and gone, but to their credit, Saxon have…
Today, there are so many genres and subcategories of Rock ‘n Roll it’s impossible to keep them all straight anymore. Just recently I stumbled upon a new offering by a band that simply stopped me in my tracks. The New Roses, who hail from Wiesbaden, Germany are one of the…
Dear Reader, I know what the title says. I wrote it. But I’m going to ask you to treat these words not as a review, but as a prescription for medicine you didn’t know you needed. You see, my dear Reader, you are sick! Your soul is dying, my friend—and…
Reel Big Fish and Bowling for Soup each elicit a certain kind of energy when it’s their turn to take the stage. On July 28th, 2019 in Los Angeles, California, they called forth that all-too-familiar energy and hurled it out into The Mayan Theater at full force. Although both bands…
Long Beach California’s Picturesque Rainbow Lagoon was the backdrop for it’s annual Crawfish Festival this past Sunday. Hundreds of Cajun food lovers braved the humidity to indulge in a huge variety of Louisiana cuisine, including all the crawfish you can handle. Accompanying the traditional food and drink was an assortment…
The Offspring once said, “The Kids Aren’t Alright”. Not long after they made that statement, a sound, a style, and a message would [re]emerge in music. This scene was for the kids. Not marketed to them. Not focus-group tested, strategically curated, or manufactured. This scene was a response. Someone needed…
I think it's safe to say that the Sad Summer Fest might be the festival that will go on to replace the beloved Vans Warped Tour. Debuting here in Dallas, TX, the Sad Summer Fest was 8 hours of pure music mayhem featuring 8 killer bands on one incredible stage…
Strangelove - The Depeche Mode Experience, is considered by many to be the premier Depeche Mode tribute on the planet today. They have systematically recreated what I would consider the classic Depeche Mode sound and refined it over the years into a truly unique performance that is truly worthy of…
It’s not every day that a festival lives up to the hype we see on TV, radio, or in print. Most promoters promise the moon and stars to potential attendees and then fall flat on their face when the rubber hits the road. In many cases this can be attributed…
Bronson Wisconsin's debut album, Like A Storm, is a multi-layered blend of Indie rock, Latin, Alt-country, Surf, Americana, Folk and Classic Rock. At first blush, that might seem like a lot of ground to cover for an initial release. However, these diverse genres are pulled together masterfully by Bronson Taalbi…
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