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Date: Friday, May 10th Time: 10:10pm Location: An infamous Downtown Los Angeles venue known only by its street address—1720. The crowd has amassed—their anxious waiting made palpable via the room’s rising humidity. The air is filled with the scent of die-hards, and all-black attire is the dress code dictated in…
When all is said and done, Sum 41 will probably go down as one of the best and baddest punk rock bands to ever take the stage. Wednesday's performance in the intimate Cambridge Room at the Dallas House of Blues was no exception, and highlighted why this year's No Personal…
Sometimes I forget there are still people out there waiting for their favorite bands from back in the day to release new music. I know I will be that way when I get older and my favorite bands may not be releasing music as much or in many cases may…
On Sunday April 28th, the Mile-High City hosted the 2nd annual Sabroso Craft Beer, Taco, & Music Festival at legendary Fiddler’s Green in Denver, CO. A near-capacity crowd made their way up to the amphitheater for an afternoon of great food, cold beer, and killer music headlined by punk rock…
As a music lover and photojournalist, I have followed Tech N9ne’s career since his early years and have bared witness to his meteoric rise in the music industry. His hard work and unbelievable business acumen paid off in spades, and he ultimately became the undisputed #1 independent rapper in the…
We have basically skipped Spring and have jumped right into an early Summer thanks to the 2nd annual Back to the Beach Festival. Over the weekend about 30,000 ska music lovers and punk rockers took over the beautiful sands of Huntington State Beach for the 2-day festival for a good…
Tech N9ne’s latest album, N9NA, may be one of his finest releases since All 6’s and 7’s back in 2011. This one is lean, mean, and takes listeners back to a time when all that mattered was the music. It’s Tech N9ne at his finest and won’t disappoint even the…
The first time I can recall listening to an ANTHEM album in its entirety was in a used record store in Hawai’i. Their sharp edged logo and complex album art hearkened back to the days of early Judas Priest and Queensryche. Purely out of curiosity, I tossed their vinyl under…
Written as more of an accompaniment album or soundtrack to the graphic novel of the same name, The Ghost of Ohio is Andy Black’s sophomore foray into a solo project and he’s doing it big with a very ambitious project. This eponymous album could easily be turned into a musical…
P!nk turns 40 September 8th but you would never know that watching her perform! This show experience was a unique one for me. I’m an experienced professional photographer that has shot many big name tours and was pre-approved to shoot P!nk a month before the show. I then shortened a…
When someone brings up the name Andrew Hagar in casual conversation (and that happens more often than you think), ones mind immediately jumps to the obvious - his fanatical love for family, a passion for combat sports, and his strange affinity for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But beyond that…
Fans of 80’s synth-pop trailblazer, Howard Jones, arrived early at Blue Note Hawaii on the second floor of the Outrigger Waikiki Hotel on Oahu for two unforgettable evenings of stripped-down classics to celebrate a career spanning well over three decades of electronic music sorcery. Joined by the Chapman Stick wielding,…
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