A new star is about to explode onto your radar this summer. Benin City, a trio of Londonites, have forged a slick urban style from funk, hip-hop, electronica, and other disparate genres. Their debut, Fires in the Park that will be out 1st July take this video as a teaser, they have just launched this video for their mesmerizing ‘Faithless’. The tune opens on a ponderous bass line with Joshua Idehen’s warped vocals concerning a man’s descent into delirium, and features a few licks from Tom Leaper’s bright, punchy sax; before long, it builds to a euphoric peak where synths pulse and flit about, while drummer Theo Buckingham cruises into a stomping beat. Walls of bubbles and splashes of swirling colour invoke a sense of surreal, as the video alternates between the sane world of light and the frenetic darkness.