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Last week, Prateek Kuhad made his way into Dallas, Texas, an evening filled with heartfelt melodies and genuine emotion. The singer-songwriter who opened for Ed Sheeran just a month or so ago, known for his soulful voice and introspective lyrics, delivered a captivating performance that left the audience enchanted. From the moment Kuhad took the stage, there was a sense of anticipation in the air. The room began to fill and there was this unspoken excitement that filled the room. Kuhad walked on stage and everyone cheered him on as he began to play. As he strummed his guitar and began to sing, it was as if time stood still, and all that mattered was the music filling the room.

Kuhad's songs, with their simple yet profound lyrics, resonated deeply with the audience. Whether he was singing about love, loss, or the complexities of life, Kuhad's words seemed to speak directly to the soul, evoking a range of emotions from nostalgia to hope. A favorite moment of the night was when he played "Tine Kaha" and the crowd all sang in unison.  Accompanied by only his guitar and fans, Kuhad's music came to life in the intimate setting of the Granada Theater. Each note was played with precision and passion, creating a beautiful tapestry of sound that enveloped the audience in warmth and comfort.

But perhaps the most memorable aspect of the evening was Kuhad's connection with the audience. Between songs, he shared anecdotes and stories, inviting the audience into his world and creating a sense of camaraderie that was truly special.  As the concert drew to a close, it was clear that Kuhad had left a lasting impression on everyone in attendance. His music, with its honesty and vulnerability, had touched the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to be there, leaving them with a sense of peace and contentment.  I didn’t know what to expect going in to the night but I left with some new songs to continue listening to. Can’t wait to see him again.



James Coffman

Photojournalist - Dallas

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