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Maggie Lindemann’s show on May 29th at The Troubadour, with support from Too Poor, was a night to remember. The venue was packed, and the crowd's excitement was palpable. Too Poor kicked off the night with an energetic DJ set, wearing a striking black and white striped leather jacket reminiscent of Beetlejuice. She skillfully hyped up the alternative crowd, filling the room with raised hands as she threw shirts into the audience while dancing and smiling.

The anticipation for Maggie Lindemann was high, with fans chanting her name even before she took the stage. Celebrating her album Headsplit, Maggie performed many songs from it, captivating the audience with her dynamic stage presence. She engaged closely with fans, often approaching the sides of the stage for memorable interactions.

A highlight was seeing Maggie and Siiickbrain perform together. Siiickbrain's screaming vocals contrasted powerfully with Maggie's, creating an intense and unforgettable performance. Their on-stage chemistry made the performance feel like a thrilling battle.

Jasiah joined Maggie briefly to perform "Taking Over Me," a moment that felt like an adrenaline rush. Iconic songs like "Loner," "Crash and Burn," and "She Knows It" were crowd favorites. "Loner" resonated deeply with many, while "She Knows It" was a celebration for many girls in the audience. A special moment unfolded when Maggie invited her fan, Lia, to sing on stage, showcasing Maggie’s genuine appreciation for her fans.

The crowd was fully immersed in the music, especially during "Hostage." As Maggie and her band exited the stage, the audience's desire for more was evident. The encore was electrifying, with Siiickbrain returning for an unforgettable finale. Even typically annoying aspects of shows were fun in this lively atmosphere.

Overall, Maggie Lindemann's show, supported by Too Poor was an experience that left everyone wanting more. If you missed it, it was truly a loss, as such electrifying performances are rare and irreplicable. This show undoubtedly sparked a desire to attend more of their live performances and you should too!


Toren Brown

Photojournalist - Los Angeles

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