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Coming after a nearly 20 year wait, The Exies' latest offering, Closure EP is a short and sweet 6 track powerhouse showcasing how even after all this time, they haven’t lost an inch. Delivering a powerful mix of introspective lyricism from lead singer Scott Stevens, and heavy riffs that will undoubtedly resonate with fans of post-grunge and alternative rock.

The introspective nature of the songwriting and the chunky riffs and punchy snare The Exies bring to this album is reminiscent of Three Days Grace's seminal album One-X, with such raw, emotional honesty driving each song – starting from track one. Delve deep into themes of pain, redemption, and self-discovery, ‘For What It’s Worth’ is a strong opener that beautifully sets the tone and thematic workings of the album off with a bang. But it’s track 2: ‘Spirits High’ that comes as a true standout on the album.

While not fully acoustic, ‘Spirits High’ strips it back a bit, really allowing Stevens’ mastery of the pen to standout – as it should. Beautifully alluding to the never-ending struggle that can come with mental struggles, it’s clear that Steven’s is struggling, and he feels like there isn’t a way out – that he’s tired of this repeating cycle, and he’s losing faith in himself to make it back out on the other side this time.

It’s a fine line to walk in this regard, as I feel it would be easy to tackle such struggles with a sense of hyperbole or being overtly direct with it – yet Stevens walks the line perfectly and does so as the throughline for the entire album.

Musically, Closure EP is a powerhouse. The heavy riffs and dynamic guitar work are standout features, providing a solid backbone to the emotional weight of the lyrics. The band masterfully balances aggression and melody, ensuring that each track hits hard while remaining memorable. This blend of intensity and accessibility is a hallmark of The Exies' sound and is executed to perfection on this EP.

The production quality is top-notch, with each instrument clearly defined and given room to shine. The rhythm section is particularly tight, laying down grooves that are both intricate and impactful – harkening back to late 2000’s rock sound in the best way possible.

Overall, Closure EP is a compelling and cathartic addition to The Exies' discography. It’s a return to form, and a return to the world of music, that digs its hooks into you and doesn’t let go throughout its entire 23 minute runtime. The Exies have once again proven their ability to create music that is both deeply personal and universally relatable, making Closure EP a must-listen for anyone navigating the complexities of the human experience.


Zak DeFreze

Photojournalist - Boston

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