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There are many attributes that can identify an artist as a true star. One of biggest things, is when an artist is identifiable by only one name, and you know exactly who that person is. Some of the first people like this to come to mind are Cher, Madonna, Prince, Slash, Sting, and there are countless others. With the ever growing talent coming into the music industry, we have stars yet to be trying to establish themselves as iconic as their predecessors. One TikToker turned pop punk star known as Jxdn has set off on a tour supporting his sophomore album When the Music Stops. His last stop was at the Belasco Theatre in Los Angeles, CA. Bringing with him LØLØ and Gunnar. The line was around three blocks, as fans eagerly awaited to see these soon to be icons.

Before the first artist could even hit the stage, the Belasco was already jam packed with fans. It’s always great to see people showing up this early, as you know it helps pick up the energy of each artist. Right off the bat, Gunnar was performing at the foot of the stage reaching out to the fans in the front row ready to charm every last one of us. Whether it was singing right into the hearts of the crowd creating new fans, or strapped with his guitar, Gunnar was a performer through and through. He made every song count as he introduced us to his music like “Are You Gonna Be My Girl,” “They Didn’t Tell Me,” “Bitter,” “Again & Again,” “Bad Idea,” “Upside Down,” and ending with his latest single “Dirty Blonde.” By the end of the set Gunnar had the whole crowd wrapped around his finger, and we were disappointed to see his set had to end.

Up next was an artist that many people, along with myself, mainly discovered from TikTok. LØLØ had grown a fanbase posting videos and covers on the social media platform that helped her ultimately release her first full length album Falling For Robots and Wishing I Was One. We were all excited to see her live in front of us this night. LØLØ hit the stage with a gleaming smile and perky attitude that was infectious to watch. Fans couldn’t help but bounce and sing along with every song. During “debbie downer” LØLØ threw cheerleader pompom’s out into the crowd so that we could all get more into the chorus cheering with her on stage. Most of the set was more upbeat cheerful songs, but LØLØ knows how to slow the beat down to really let us travel through the sorrow she went through when she wrote some of her more intimate songs. Whether we were cheering or tearing up, we ate up every moment we got with songs like “junkie,” “kill the girl,” “wish I was a robot,” “2 of us,” “u turn me on (but u give me depression),” “faceplant,” “omg,” “I Love It,” and ending with “hot girls in hell.” LØLØ and her music left an impression on every person in the crowd. Both excitement from the performance, and maybe a bit of self contemplation. Regardless developed a new admiration for this artist.

For our headliner, Jxdn wanted to create a mood right off the bat. With the stage almost completely pitch black, he walked on stage illuminated solely by a lit cigarette. Jxdn softly wailed into the mic, creating a haunting atmosphere but drawing the crowd into the mystery of what is going on on stage before kicking the energy into high gear with the song “CANDLES.” He unleashed his emotions through his music, and with his stage presence he was almost stumbling across the stage. Never truly falling or losing control of himself, but instead letting the flow of the music control his bodies movements as he focused on the lyrics. This passionate of a performance fueled the energy of the crowd who hung on every word that left his mouth.

Jxdn even took a moment of the show to slow things down and play a short acoustic set for the songs “DRUGS,” “BACCARAT,” and “WHEN THE MUSIC STOPS.” During this softer moment, Jxdn gave a heartfelt speech about how rough coming into the music industry has been on him, and that this latest album was his way of coping with everything he went through. It helped remind us that these social media influencers who show us every aspect of their lives, still have a side that is hidden from the public, that hides the pain and suffering they still deal with. Though this moment did bring a bit of harsh realism to our night, Jxdn was ready to bring the energy back up and get people rocking out. The man flew through his set list which included songs like “STRAY,” “IT MUST SUCK TO KNOW YOU,” “DEAD OR ALIVE,” “SO WHAT!,” “WANNA BE,” “LIPS,” “HOW FAR,” “WET DREAMS (IT’S YOU),” “Miss You,” “Sad October,” “Just Let Go,” and ending with “ANGELS & DEMONS.”

This night at the Belasco was for the next generation of music stars to be. Gunnar, LØLØ, and Jxdn are paving a way for themselves, and the younger generation of music fans. If this show was any indication, all three of these artists have an even bigger career ahead of them. The fans showed up early and stayed until the very end. We gave these artists all the love we had, and they gave us a show that showed who they really are. These artists continue to show that pop punk and the newer generation of music is not dead. It’s still very alive, passionate, and there is a huge fan base that is yearning for more.


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Matt Martinez

Editor - Orange County

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