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The glory of the power metal genre is that the bands try to make the music bigger than the real world. They are able to bring the concepts of fantasy into the music and sing about these faraway lands or creatures and create these larger than life anthemic songs. Some bands take their stage show to the next level by transforming the stage to look like a completely different environment and come dressed in costumes or stage gear. One band that has been doing that is German power metal band Powerwolf. These titans of the genre transform the stage into a dark cathedral and dress as cardinals and bishops of their dark church. This night they converted the Hollywood Palladium into one of their heavy metal masses, and their worshippers turned up in droves to praise the band. Let our service commence.

Opening our night of mass was Canadian power metal outfit Unleash the Archers. The last time I saw these guys was actually my last live concert before we went into lockdown. So, I was excited to see how they have taken themselves to new heights over the last few years. Vocalist Brittney Slayes is a force to be reckon with the power she carries behind her voice. Not only is she able to sing with a beautiful melodic melody, but she is able to belt and sustain her vocals like the finest opera singers. Guitarist Grant Truesdell and Andrew Kingsley Saunders trade off on lead and rhythm lines. Ripping through punchy guitar lines and slapping on the distortion to craft the heaviest of riffs. Bassist Nick Miller is probably the most animated on stage, running around and stomping around while never falling out of sync with drummer Scott Buchanan. The band was in perfect sync for their set that consisted of “Abyss,” “Ghosts of the Mist,” “Green & Glass,” “Gods in Decay,” “Tonight We Ride,” “The Matriarch,” “Awakening,” and ending with a crowd assisted cover of Stan Roger’s Canadian anthem “Northwest Passage.” Unleash the Archers was the perfect way to start this night of worshipping power metal.

The lights dimmed as we eagerly awaited our headliners. Before the band could even hit the stage the crowd erupted with cheers. But this wasn’t your normal cheers, as the crowd was howling like wolves for the band. All our howling paid off as Powerwolf stepped onto the stage and we got to hear the first live performance of their song “Bless ‘em With the Blade.” Vocalist Attila Don was draped in a black gothic cardinal’s outfit. He even carried sage to bless the cathedral of the Palladium. When Attila Don sings, he captivates people’s attention like the most charismatic ministers you have ever witnessed on Christian TV. In between songs, Don would casually converse with the audience and constantly having us in stitches laughing before launching back into another pulse pounding song. Brother guitarists Matthew Greywolf and Charles Greywolf are the engines of the band. The speed and power they infuse into their riffs is what helps take Powerwolf’s music out of this realm and transports us into another world. While drummer’s Roel van Helden's stampede of double kick patterns incite the mosh pits to spin like a frenzied fire. But it was keyboardist Falk Maria Schlegel who nearly stole the show. Though he was high on the riser next to the backline, he would constantly make his way to the front of the stage as he doubled as the band's hype man. Constantly making sure the crowd was always enjoying themselves and raising our energy level.

Powerwolf crafted a two hour long set with some of their most beloved hymns. As this tour was to promote their latest album Wake Up the Wicked, and we were the first stop of the tour, we got to hear the very first live performance of many songs like “Sinners of the Seven Seas,” “1589,” “We Don’t Wanna Be No Saints,” and “Heretic hunters.” Though this album just came out last month, the Palladium was filled with fans singing along with each and every one of these new musical treasures. Attila Don blessed us with other hymns like “Blood for Blood (Faoladh),” “Army of the Night,” “Amen & Attack,” “Dancing with the Dead,” “Werewolves of Armenia,” “Demons Are a Girl’s Best Friend,” “Stossgebet,” “Fire and Forgive,” “Alive or Undead,” “Sainted by a Storm,” “Sanctified With Dynamite,” and came back for a three song encore which included “Incense & Iron,” “We Drive Your Blood,” and finally “Armata Strigoi.”

This was my first time experiencing Powerwolf, and walking into the Palladium, I was not expecting to discover a new church of faith. Many faithful Powerwolf churchgoers came dressed in appropriate attire including dark/alternative church outfits, replicas of the bands on stage gear, and many came with some sort of holy relic adorn upon them. Powerwolf fans are a very dedicated bunch, and as the band doesn’t always make it to America often, these fans were going to show their praise for their spiritual figure heads. I have been converted to the heavy metal mass of Powerwolf and can see myself frequenting this cathedral whenever the opportunity presents itself. I highly recommend getting in touch with your future power metal spiritual saviors and attending a mass the next time it is near you. Amen. 


Matt Martinez

Editor - Orange County

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