Fencer is a self-defined garage opera (rock) trio hailing from Los Angeles, CA. Their self-titled and self-produced debut album is set to release February 3, 2023 and is comprised of 10 very raw, emotional, and dynamic tracks. This upbeat, high-energy trio consists of vocalist/guitarist Field Cate, bassist Scott Sauve, and drummer Cameron Sauve.
Anticipation looms with upbeat guitars and fast-paced drums until 0:54 of opening track "Come On, Keep Screaming" when the first words “Why the hell’s it so hard to just say what I mean?” comes blaring through the speakers. Field’s soulful, melodic vocals pierce right through you from start to finish and are perfectly accompanied by a bluesy bassline and rhythmic drums. Field’s vocal range on this entire album is beyond impressive.
Third track in, "Buena", is a cover from Morphine’s second studio album released in 1993, A Cure For Pain. Just as the original, the song starts off with a girthy bass line then drums and guitar slowly creep in. Unlike the original, the musicality is a little brighter and upbeat, yet Field’s melodic and sultry vocals really paint the picture of serendipity in a shade of bright blue – I found out after the fact that Fencer has a gimmicky theme of blue for the band and according to various interviews I read, they will never change that color.
The album slows down at track six, "Sanitarium", which is one of their video singles released in October 2022. "Sanitarium" is about dealing with depression and poor mental health. Field has discussed his personality disorder that he has dealt with for the last several years, and he advocates positive mental health, especially in today’s world. I learned that Field is such an advocate for positive mental health, that he is a life coach. Dealing with mental health issues are prominent throughout the entire albums’ lyrics. Listening to these lyrics you can feel the pain and struggle – it’s very real and hits home for me as I’m sure it will for others.
"Joseph Courtney", their single released in November 2022, was blessed with the number 7 spot in the track listing. Field describes “Joseph Courtney” as an alter ego that he created and adopted as a vessel for him to show off a more manic nature. This is Field’s first time being a frontman and this character he embodies is a way for him to harness that role and take charge of the stage.
The album finishes off with "Bad Bet", a slow and somber ballad. When I listened to this one, I just closed my eyes and let is completely consume me. “I feel so whole when I sell my soul,” those words just ripped right through me. It brought on so many raw emotions that I was nearly brought to tears. This album was just a rollercoaster of emotion and you could feel every word rush over you.
Fencer has really set the bar high for their next album, so be sure to keep an eye on these guys – I foresee a bright future for them. Fencer previously toured with Badflower and they are planning to tour this album, but no dates or details has been set just yet. When they do tour, I do recommend checking them out – just as I will.
Photojournalist - Ft. Wayne
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