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On June 6th two LGBTQ+ icons, Xana and Rachel Bochner graced The Echo in Los Angeles with their incredible music. The show was the perfect way to start up Pride Month and the place was packed. We even got to see multiple pride flags.  The headliner of the night was Xana and she left a lasting impression but Rachel also made an impact as well. There were even two fans in line who created a poster for everyone to write nice things down for Xana.

Rachel Bochner confidently came on stage with an outfit and a vibe that read as they’re cool and down to earth. Her purple eye shadow definitely stood out in the best way possible.  Her setlist that night consisted of her songs such as, "Here For The Drama", "Ghosted My Therapist",  "Angel Numbers", "Hard To Please", "Sucker Punch", "Creative Liberties", "Alchemical", "Graduation", "Groupie" and "You Don’t Want Me Like That".  "Here For The Drama" is a song that anyone who’s ever had a problematic friend can connect to.  Rachel’s smile during "Ghosted My Therapist" was radiant and you can tell she was having fun performing it from how she was jumping around while singing. Rachel’s drummer also seemed to be having a lot of fun as well, they always had a smile on their face. Her fans got excited for "Sucker Punch" and there were people with their hands in the air dancing along. Her song "Alchemical" came right out on Spotify the same night as well. Rachel often did moves with her hands as she sang although the most epic moments were when she interacted with her guitarist on stage during a song and when she got on her knees to sing. For the end of her set, she brought out Xana for "You Don’t Want Me Like That".  The crowd sang along and everyone screamed when Xana came out.  The two girls interacted with each other well on stage, playing along with each other's movements. Rachel even got on her knees for Xana and Xana ended up sitting on her lap while singing together. They were holding each other and it created a very intense performance that you could not look away from.

Now when Xana finally came out, the whole room was ready for it. The lights at times were even warm colors that matched Xana’s ginger hair color. She even got up in the audience member’s faces while performing giving them a moment to remember. She owned the stage and with her long hair had so many iconic hair flips that you’d lose track. Her hair in a way reminded me of flames. She has a dark pop-rock sound that has a lot of confidence and sensual energy to it.  Her set list mostly focused on her new album The Sex Was Good Until It Wasn’t, with songs from the album such as "Lip Service", "Sick Joke", "Body,15", "FERAL", "Better Kind Of Best Friend", "Lavender" "Daughter", "Homewrecking Era", "Monster", "Earth Eyes", "The Sex Was Good", "January" and other songs such as "Pray", "Complex", "Baby Blue" and "Kitchen Sink".  I thought it was cool that a lot of her songs had a rebellious feel to them which I think attracts a lot of her fans.  She opened up with "Lip Service" and there was a cool moment during the song where she looked and pointed up during the line “like our planets just aren’t aligning”. During "Pray", Xana put her arms up as the audience sang one of the lines back to her, I also really liked the way she sang the line “ The devil was an angel first”.  She made bold moves such as crawling on stage, jumping in the mosh pit and dancing with everyone but an even bolder move when she took her shirt off during her set.  It was her way of saying I’m going to do me and I don’t care what society or other people have to say about it. She’s a role model in the realm of having confidence and just being yourself no matter what situation comes your way, to look up to. 

Xana even did a Q&A during her set where she talked to fans, some fans were pretty bold with what they were asking and a couple even told her that they just got engaged. One of my favorite responses from her is when she said she was a thought daughter where she just spends her time thinking too much but also that if she did have a son he would definitely be gay in response to someone asking the question thot daughter or gay son.  She even gave a fan the pride flag to wipe their tears away. However, the boldest thing said would have to be when a fan asked Xana to touch their chest and Xana double-checked to make sure that they knew what they were saying and to have their proper consent, which just goes to show you how much respect Xana has for the people around her.  When Xana introduces her band she introduces her drummer in a way where it seems like her drummer is her girlfriend, which was a wholesome moment. Where’s she hugging the girl as well. She had a lot of energy in her moves for "Homewrecking Era" and "FERAL", such as her jumps and the way she titled her head back while singing and interacting with the crowd.  For some songs, she even played guitar. Xana was a really awesome artist to see up close but watching her from the back of the crowd was a whole different perspective and equally as amazing. You got to see just how packed the space was and I even saw during her song Kitchen Light which is a fan-favorite, people dancing on chairs as well. The whole crowd was alive, be it from the back or the front.

The night truly was one to remember, even the sad songs had a lot of power to them. Rachel and Xana know how to put on a show and the fans ate it up.  This was one of the best shows to start pride month with, it had so many moments where anyone from the LGBTQ+ community could connect with. The show was so good that it went by in a flash and you still wanted more. Xana’s music will get you hooked from the very first song you listen to, check her out if you haven’t already.


Toren Brown

Photojournalist - Los Angeles

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