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Peach PRC with support from Terror Jr. caused an earthquake during her SecretPRC Tour show at The Fonda. Ok so it wasn't an actual earthquake, but the whole space felt like it was shaking from everyone dancing including people up in the balcony. Peach PRC  sadly did not have her butterfly wings for this show but a lot of her fans were wearing them. The crowd was dressed ready for the show, it was a sea of pink and bright colors.

Terror Jr. started up the night with a cheerful energetic set. Their music is essentially high energy pop dance vibes, so the perfect music to listen to if you want to have fun at a party with your friends. They even had a giant inflatable dragon up on stage with them that could be seen clearly even from the back of the crowd.  Some of the best moments were when both members of Terror Jr." did a duet together and were interacting with each other up on stage. You could really tell that the two of them love making music together.  They even mentioned things like their experience performing in China, which was fun to hear about. They even had the crowd cheering at times. Their new song "Higher Than An Angel" is a good song to check out if you're new to Terror Jr. and the instrumental alone will stay stuck in your head.

For Peach PRC's set, it started out with a giant screen showing pics from her previous shows and her guitarist Chloe having a killer solo moment on stage to get everyone ready for Peach PRC. When Peach PRC came out she looked like a fairy princess, with her pink hair, sparkly pink outfit made out of yarn, glass beads, and rhinestones designed by Paul Aaron and mesmerizing makeup by make up artist Sterling Tull.  You could easily tell a lot of hard work and passion went into designing her look for the night. Her set list for the night consisted of songs such as "Perfect For You", "Blondes", "Colourblind", "Symptomatic", "Secret", "Favorite Person", "Loved You Before", "Like A Girl Does", "Heavy", "Dear Inner Child", "Good Luck Babe", "FU Goodbye", "Josh", "Forever Drunk" "God is a Freak", and covers including "Good Luck Babe", "What Dreams Are Made Of", and Cascada's song "Everytime We Touch" (which was the encore).

A wholesome moment during the show was when fans brought out red glow sticks during Peach PRC's song "Dear Inner Child". These glow sticks were given out to fans while everyone was in line with instructions on which song to take them out for. There were also moments like when Chloe and Peach PRC were smiling together sitting next to each other on stage. The lights were some of the best I've ever seen at a show and the visuals on the big screen were always a pleasure to look at. These visuals ranging from flowers and butterflies, rainbows, stars to even one that combined with the colorful lights felt like there was a kaleidoscope on stage. Peach PRC's dancing on stage was both elegant and playful while matching the music. You could tell she was enjoying performing just as much as her fans were enjoying watching her. During her song "Josh", fans sang the line “stop calling me josh”, which I’d say was an entertaining moment for everyone except for anyone named Josh in the audience. "Like A Girl Does" and "Good Luck, Babe" were the lesbian anthems for the night and more proof that Peach PRC is a lesbian icon. There were even fans waving around pride flags.

Although one of the songs with the highest emotional impact would have to be "Heavy" with lyrics that if you've ever felt like you were too much to love, will hit you hard.  Another one that emotionally hits and may even make you cry is "Favorite Person" with lyrics such as “I have created a version that hurts less” , which paints the picture of how it feels to still care about someone deeply who no longer cares about you. Midway through Peach PRC's set she gets off the stage and has a grand entrance where she comes back and is dancing on a pole.  During "What Dreams Are Made Of, Peach PRC's guitarist even sang along with her. Although I don't think anything could prepare the audience for the encore, I was even surprised at just how insane the energy was for it and I knew it was coming since I saw it on the setlist on stage. No matter where you looked you’d see people dancing, even up on the balcony. The whole room felt like it was shaking and everyone was having a good time. Cascada would have definitely been proud if she witnessed this moment.

So if you happened to feel like the earth was shaking around you on June 13th, just know that it was Peach PRC turning up The Fonda and I'm sorry you missed out. Hands down one of the best shows I’ve seen from a visual perspective but also knew how to get a crowd hyped at the same time. You could tell both Peach PRC and Terror Jr. were both really excited for this show. I lost track of how many times the audience cheered and it was definitely one of the most fashionable audiences you’d see at a show.

It may be called the Secret PRC Tour but it was too amazing of a night to stay a secret. If you missed out this time, be sure to catch them next time.

Toren Brown

Photojournalist - Los Angeles

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