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If you were among the crowd lucky enough to catch Sophie Powers last Friday at the Moroccan Lounge, then you know exactly why it sold out. Headlining the first stop of her Glitch Tour here in LA  supported by Ava Morse and Zoe Ko, Sophie electrified the crowd with her typically jaw-dropping style and spellbinding vocals, with many already asking for an encore from minute one. It’s the kind of night that no article can do justice.

Accompanied by an anticipatory drum roll, Ava Morse stepped onto the stage to thunderous applause and kicked the night off with such songs as “Favorite Sin,” “Pure Violence,” “Toothache,” “I Should’ve Known…”, “Fake ID,” and “Godspeed.” Sporting a stellar fit with a particularly eye-catching leopard print top, Ava did a masterful job engaging with the crowd, her charismatic confidence coming through with each smile, each point of her finger, and each flip of her hair. This is no surprise considering her acting background.

Her songs have a fun and sensual energy to them that makes them easy to dance to and beautiful to listen to, with the standouts of the night being “Toothache” and “Pure Violence.” While “Toothache” expectedly got the audience’s blood pumping, “Pure Violence” shined through Ava’s ability to infuse such heavy lyrics with a toe-tapping rhythm and a sense of relatability. Like her entrance, Ava left the stage accompanied by thunderous applause as she thanked the fans, while her guitarist signed a Polaroid and flung multiple guitar picks towards the audience, and her drummer flung one of his drum sticks into the crowd as well.

Following Ava was Zoe Ko, who stepped out onto the stage sporting her signature fit featuring her iconic spiked bra and white cut out crop top, similar to her fit from her show with Between You and Me. In addition, she wore a New York style animal print jacket which makes me wonder if she and Ava coordinated this as a little treat for the fans. With a set list that included “Dirt,” “Touch Therapy,” “Eat,” “Lovesick in Public,” “Baby Teeth,” “Hollaback Girl” and some brand new songs, Zoe oozed confidence with each track. It’s the kind of sassy “don’t play with me” confidence only a true New York girl can summon, accentuated perfectly at certain moments by how the light would hit her.  Standout tracks included “Dirt, “Touch Therapy,” “Lovesick In Public,” her cover of “Hollaback Girl” and her newest track believed to be titled “Drop the Man.” “Hollaback Girl” and “Drop the Man” in particular complemented each other beautifully, with both tracks being the kind of songs any woman with a shitty partner needs to hear.  Considering “Hollaback Girl” inspired “Drop the Man,” it makes complete sense.

Zoe’s fearlessness to engage in riskier material   was on full display with “Touch Therapy,” a frank and witty ode to more intimate forms of therapy that plenty of people in their 20s will understand. She also tapped into more relatable territory with “Lovesick In Public,” but “Dirt” was by far Zoe’s most rousing song, and she knew it just from the way she moved around the stage like nothing on this Earth could bring her down. There’s no doubt her songs and her onstage persona have inspired more girls to believe in themselves, and her upcoming collaboration/remix with Sophie Powers will surely be one to look out for.

Speaking of Sophie, it’d be an understatement to say the audience was excited for her to come out after Ava and Zoe nearly brought the house down themselves. First, an offstage announcer simply said “Pick your character.” Then each member of the band was introduced as a playable character, with Sophie coming out last, dressed in a cropped, brightly colored short sleeve schoolgirl uniform inspired heavily by anime. Known for designing her own clothes and intriguing audiences with thoughts of what her next fit will be, Sophie certainly delivered in this department. Launching into a performance of “Clearview,” technical difficulties plagued Sophie as her microphone refused to work, but she pressed on like a champ, supported by her guitarist absolutely killing it and the crowd vibing along and singing to the lyrics. The rest of her set included (drumroll please)…

“Nosebleed,” “Bathroom Floor,” “U Love It,” “Obsessed,” “Wildest Dreams,” “Just a Boy,” “Overflow,” “Woah,” “Goals,” “Lonely Army,” “Heart Shaped Box,” “Breakup On The Weekend,” “Life Goes On,” “Head Empty, No Thoughts;” “Awesome,” “Better on Mute,” and for the encore “Blueprint” and “Greed.”

Wielding an indomitable stage presence and a deft ability to rile up an audience the same way a metal band can, it’d be an understatement to say Sophie Powers delivered on this performance. She brought beach balls out, jumped into the crowd and ordered them to create a circle pit, mesmerized them with her and her dancers’ choreography, and entertained them with her own brand of humor, including making fun of her microphone and pulling up an audience member to the stage after covering a Taylor Swift song who didn’t like Taylor Swift but enjoyed being on stage.

Oh and of course the songs themselves were amazing, with particular standouts being “Break Up on the Weekend,” “Lonely Army,” and an unreleased song called “Goals.” “Break Up” moved the audience to take their phone lights out and wave them in the air, “Lonely Army” delivered a potent reminder to check on the people you care about, and “Goals” will be an absolute hit when it comes out based on the crowd’s reactions. Just to drive home the point of how perfect this set was, a fan asked only a couple songs in for an encore, which prompted much supportive laughter. If that doesn’t convince you how big of a success this was, and if it doesn’t convince you to check out Sophie Powers at least once in person if you love live concerts, then nothing will.

Afterwards, Sophie took the time to meet with each and every one of her fans in front of her car, myself included. She didn’t have to do it, but the fact she did speaks volumes. This show was all about celebrating confident women and embracing who you are, so I can’t wait to catch these artists again soon.

Toren Brown

Photojournalist - Los Angeles

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