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As I walked into the venue, I could feel a strange mixture of curiosity and excitement. I had heard plenty of buzz about King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard—Australia's prolific, genre-defying band—but this was my first time seeing them live. Little did I know, I was about to be transported into a world as eclectic and unpredictable as the band’s name itself.

The atmosphere in the room was electric, buzzing with the anticipation of die-hard fans, many sported wide grins that hinted at the musical adventure ahead. It didn’t take long to understand why the band has such a devoted following; as soon as the first notes of "Field of Vision" which was a live debut for the band, reverberated through the speakers, the crowd erupted in a collective roar of approval, and the journey began.

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard have a reputation for pushing musical boundaries, and they lived up to that hype from the get-go. Their sound is a kaleidoscopic mix of genres—psychedelic rock, heavy metal, surf rock, blues, and even jazz, all seamlessly blended into something wholly unique. It was as if the band was throwing the entire history of rock into a blender and serving up a potent, intoxicating cocktail.

Watching them perform live, I was struck by their sheer versatility. With six members on stage, the band shifted effortlessly from one musical style to another, sometimes within the same song. One moment they were diving into the heavy, riff-driven "Organ Farmer," and the next, they were slowing things down with the dreamy, folk-infused "Nuclear Fusion" It was a rollercoaster of sound, and I was all in for the ride.

The band’s fans, many of whom appeared to be seasoned concert-goers, added another layer to the experience. They knew every word, every riff, and every twist in the band’s sprawling setlist. The energy they brought was contagious; it felt like being part of a community where everyone was connected by a shared love for the bizarre and the beautiful. As a first-timer, I found myself swept up in their enthusiasm, my initial curiosity quickly turning into full-blown admiration. I didn’t walk into this show thinking I was going to see crowd surfing either.

But it wasn’t just the music that captivated me. The visual aspect of the show was equally impressive. The stage was a riot of colors, with swirling lights and trippy projections that perfectly complemented the band’s otherworldly sound. It was a feast for the senses, blurring the lines between sight and sound in a way that felt almost hallucinogenic.

By the time King Gizz launched into their final track, the balmy “K.G.L.W.” the crowd was in a state of ecstatic euphoria, and I found myself chanting along with them, completely lost in the moment. As the band took their final bow and the lights came up, I realized that I had just experienced something extraordinary.

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard are not just a band—they’re an event, an explosion of creativity that defies categorization. And for someone seeing them for the first time, it was nothing short of exhilarating.


Brian Porter

Photojournalist - New York Market

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