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For well over a year, I’ve heard the buzz about a punk band out of Australia and their reputation for delivering memorable live shows. Amyl and the Sniffers finally came through town last week and I can now resoundingly confirm –the quartet out of Melbourne are the real deal.  The band is led by 28-year-old vocalist Amy Taylor, one of the most entrancing live performers I’ve seen in quite some time.  A rising star has been born.  Bassist Gus Romer, drummer Bryce Wilson, and guitarist Declan Martens blend gritty 70’s punk (Iggy and the Stooges comes to mind), hints of Chuck Berry rockabilly licks, and some funky bass lines that provide the powerful musical foundation for Amy’s singing and entertaining stage antics. 

With San Diego’s newest live music venue, The Sound (Del Mar Fairgrounds), needing all of its 1,900 capacity to absorb the huge crowd, Amy and the band took the stage with the brisk and loud, “Balaclava Lover Boogie”.  The mostly 20 and 30-something crowd danced, screamed lyrics with Amy, and bodies of enthusiastic crowd surfers flew over the stage barrier into the arms of awaiting security personnel.  It was great to see a punk show attracting a large percentage of female fans, obviously buoyed by the growing popularity of the female fronted band.

The 75-minute set never let off the gas.  It was a non-stop loud up-tempo crazy punk show dominated by Amy’s captivating performance; she jumps, she headbangs, she laughs, she jumps some more, she furiously flings blond hair, she continuously breaks into contorted freaky dance moves, she playfully interacts with the crowd and sings with such energy and passion she holds the audience in the palm of her hand.  It’s hard to take your eyes of her, she is so much fun to watch! 

My current favorite track is the recently released single, “U Should Not Be Doing That”.  It’s mellow by this band’s standards; an indie rock vibe combining a perfect dance tempo, subdued guitar chords and a fantastic funky bass riff with Amy’s crafty rap style singing.  It’s an addicting song sure to get stuck in your head. Be sure to check out the video, it’s Amy in her raw performance glory.  Other favorite tunes include “Guided by Angels” (another great video) and the catchy and humorous “Security”:


Security, will you let me in your pub?

I’m not looking for trouble, I’m looking for love

I’m not looking for harm, I’m looking for love

Will you let me in your hard heart?  Let me in your pub


The biggest takeaway was the genuine refreshing fun the band exuded.  Amyl and the Sniffers deliver punk attitude and angst, but they also offer layers of humor, sarcasm, and positivity.  With Amy running all over the stage singing and smiling ear to ear, you can’t help but be enthralled and charmed by her.  The future of rock is in good hands with young bands like Amyl and the Sniffers rising up to carry the torch for punk and heavy music. 

Be well and keep rockin’  - Greg Vitalich

Greg Vitalich

Photojournalist - San Diego

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